Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No Nap

So, I have discovered that I can blog from my blackberry. Those who know me, know that my blackberry tops right up there as one of my best friends. This is great.

So, the weekend was quite productive. For the most part I stayed at home in my pjs just as promised doing homework. I was able to throw together a pretty decent annotated outline for my trial memo and was surprised that last minute I found some pretty on point cases leaning in our client's favor. However, tonight I realized that I may not have up loaded my outline properly.

Why, why, why. Oh well, after persuading my professor into giving the class an extension and then not even timely uploading my assignment if it did not properly post, she is going to think I have lost my mind after reading the panic filled email I just sent her tonight. Great.

So, non-law school related Trenton and I (my 13 year old) went to see Slumdog Millionaire this weekend. It was a great movie and the music in it was outstanding. It was a nice evening of mother-son bonding.

The only thing I didn't get to do that was on my list this weekend was to nap by the pool in the hammock. But seriously, who was I kidding. That will remain on my list for another weekend, another time....
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

1 comment:

  1. Cool to blog while on-the-go, eh? I bet you feel like your blackberry is genetically attached to your hand. I managed to leave mine on my desk at the end of the day yesterday, and felt SO UNCOMFORTABLE on the drive home last night and on the drive in to work this morning.

    I love that you make time to do stuff with your kids. I can't even break away from my one kid long enough to start studying for the lsat. How do you do it??! Well, good for you, however you do it.
